Brauerei Scheubel


Brauerei Scheubel

Nr. 17
Possenfelden 96132
Stopped brewing in 2005

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Comment from Joan Whitehead on 2003-04-24 16:46:04

 Searching web-Brauerei Scheubel is possibly our relative. John Balthazar Scheubel was born in Elsendorf,Germany and came to USA 1860 to an Ohio brewery and then to Newark, NJ 1864. There he worked at the Wiedenmayer Brewery and dying in 1878 from heat exhausation.I am interested in searching the history of the brewery. Can you direct me? The family would like to taste this beer. Joan Whitehead

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-05-09 05:19:05

 The double-decoction Pils is clean and soft with a rounded maltiness and a very good, intense hoppiness. A very satisfying beer with elegance and complexity.

Comment from Alex Krapp on 2004-04-21 07:04:25

 I lived in Possenfelden for 25 years. The small village has about 100 inhabitants. There is no place in the word with such an amount of breweries within a radius of 20 km. Brauerei Scheubel is a well known brewery in our region.

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-01-28 05:01:42

 I believe the brewery and pub has closed because of the death of the former owner.

Comment from John Haines on 2007-05-27 06:26:48

 The owner and his wife have in fact both passed away. Brauerei Scheubel has been purchased by the man owning the Faessla brewery in Bamberg.

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