Brauerei Höhn

Brauerei Höhn

Hauptstrasse 11
Memmelsdorf 96117
Small Brewery (less than 1000 hl/year)

 09 51 / 4 06 14 - 0

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Comment from T.G. Fisher on 2003-01-12 09:11:46

 I stayed at Gasthof Hohn in 1991, 1996, 1998 and 2001. It is the best Gasthof in Memmelsdorf. Ausgezeichnet Essen und sehr gut bier. Sehr Schon Zimmers. Freundlich Leute. Sympatisch.

Comment from Sebastian Burgis on 2003-08-27 12:51:46

 I know the owner this schuppen, he is very cool and his beer as well!!!!

Comment from Sean McCambridge on 2005-01-21 12:17:02

 I went to Brauerei Hoehn today...their beer is good, but not great; they only served one of their own, but you could order brews from other breweries. The atmosphere in the Gaststuebe is less than good. More like a restaurant than a brewery. It was so bright, and the wood everywhere reminded me of the prefab stuff on my desk in middle school. Not much character. If you don't collect Bierdecke, then I wouldn't recommend this brewery.

Comment from Timothy Holian on 2005-02-16 21:25:10

 Höhn Görchla Naturtrübes is light amber in color, almost buttery (yet not diacetylic) in the nose; clear hop bitterness at front yields slightly toward malt in the finish; interestingly distinct yeasty tone also evident compared with other brews of this style. Interior of the Gaststätte is fairly modern but pleasantly so, and quite clean in look and feel. Nice extra touch for collectors: varieties of older glasses and steins are for sale, and at quite reasonable prices for their age.

Comment from Martin T. on 2006-06-17 10:10:12

 Another small brewery on Memmelsdorf’s Hauptstrasse, a few meters only from Brauerei Drei Kronen. They only brew one beer at Höhn, a severely unfiltered landbier, called Görchla. It was full of character and fruity esters, with yeast swirling about dancing with the hops. Well, you can see my rating for more info. Bottles are available for purchase in many formats, even 3-liter bottles! We didn’t eat here, since we had already eaten at Drei Kronen, but the food being served around us looked very interesting and to similar high standards as imposed by Drei Kronen. The whole place is very classy for the Franconian countryside, even the bathrooms, which were by far the cleanest, shiniest, and most modern I saw on my trip. When visiting Memmelsdorf, you must visit these 2 small breweries! Both are right in the center of town, looking onto the main bus stop, so you have no reason to avoid either. ;)

Görchla (tap review):
-Earthy, citrusy cereals fly above the glass.
-A thick head remains atop the murky orange, this is severely unfiltered!
-Peachy fruitiness infiltrates the dry haystack and leaves.
-The grassy, spicy hopping is subdued but fitting.
-Another landbier with a rich but drinkable body, all in the purpose of making a complex but sessionable lager.
-Aftertaste is yeasty and fruity, shyly hopped.

Comment from John on 2007-09-27 19:52:20

 Exellent beer, food, hospitlity, comfort, value. Oh, Did I mention the beer?? Loved it!! Wish I coul dhave some shipped to the U.S. Anyone know where I can order it??

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-11-10 05:26:16

 The dark yellow, opaque Görchla has a fresh Gärkeller nose and som fruit, but also a phenolic off-taste. More a post-war suburbian hotel than a classic pub.

Comment from Russ R. on 2009-12-08 15:50:31

 Not really impressed by the pub or the beer. The pub is very modern with little character. The basic Kellerbier was not very exciting and the seasonal Bockbier was one-dimensionally sweet.

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