Brauerei Pfister

Tom Rierson

Eggerbachstr. 22
Weigelshofen 91330

 0 95 45 / 94 26 -0

Brews organic beers.

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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-05-12 01:54:42

 Clean, soft beers in different local styles. Not overwhelming, but satisfying enough.

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2006-07-26 23:50:44

 Agreed! The "Baamhans"-beer of Eggolsheim is miles better!

Comment from 1LT Paco on 2012-11-21 23:47:45

 We went here rather late the other night and found it still open and busy with old men playing cards and some women in the back room talking. They make some organic beers, which is a nice touch. Nothing blew me away, but I wanted to at least report that this place is still open and doing well (no review since 2006).

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