Brauerei Hellmuth

Brauerei Hellmuth

Lend 9
Burgkunstadt 96224
Stopped brewing in 2007


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Comment from frank mcmenemy on 2004-02-14 06:12:43

 I visited this charming little pub last November.both the helles & the dunkel were very fresh and full-bodied and naturally were eagerly imbibed by our group consisting of Frank Wetzel.Ursula.Wolfgang and three intrepid Swedes! This was our first stop on a daythat saw us consume quite heroic volumes of fine ale in several towns and viiages--Roll on the next excursion !!

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-05-04 03:01:02

 The pale lager is soft, sweetish and fresh with a pleasant Gärkeller aroma. The dark lager is less characterful.

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