
Photo: Mat Wilson

Sankt Nikolausstasse 25
Bayreuth 95445

 09 21 6 89 93

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Comment from Hacker Heinrich on 2003-08-14 10:13:17

 it`s a nice "Wirtshaus" and they brew its own beer. They have some variants: 1. hell: the color is like honey, and it has a full favour with small malt. There is in bottle und in "Faß", 2 Pilsner: its a clear and bright beer and the tast is some "Hopfen". it is only in bottles 3 Kräußen: its is a natural Pilsner wuíthout filtration, there is only in "Faß" 4. Special its some darker as the hell.It´s taste is more malt. there is only in bottle. 5. Dunkel: this beer is nearly black, it a full malt tast. There is in bottle sometime also in in Faß

Comment from Timothy Holian on 2005-02-16 21:55:23

 Becher-Bräu Pils has a hoppy but slightly sour nose; although a Pils, maltiness prevails slightly over the hops, with a lingering malty aftertaste noted. Pale yellow in color, perhaps a bit too much so for the style.

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