Brauerei Scharpf


Hauptstr. 16
Heilgersdorf 96145
Small Brewery (less than 1000 hl/year)

 0 95 69 / 12 32

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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-03-28 02:01:46

 One of the best Bavarian-style Märzens of Franconia. Puzzling opening hours, very quiet corner of the world.

Comment from Michl on 2009-01-28 09:00:11

 This most awesome brew comes from the very heart of the Heartland. Unrecognized by most that are not familiar with the system of side roads that will take you to the tiny village of Heilgersdorf, this Märzen has earned its notorious reputation with many locals. Be advised that this one, although at 5.7% alcohol not terribly strong, has a "spirit" all of its own that can and will send you straight to delirium if you don't moderate your intake. Apart from being sold in the brewery this one-of-a-kind is sold in a 2 Liter clip-top-bottle, a 5 Liter Party-Keg and traditional style kegs and barrels that come in sizes of 10, 15, 20, 30 and 50 Liters.

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2011-04-19 03:09:58

 After having a few Seidli at Sesslach yesterday, we went straight to brewery Scharpf of Heilgersdorf to try their Märzen. It's a very malty beer with hints of marzipan and a beautiful bittersweetness. Becomes more unusual towards the end of the glass. Also tried the Bock, which is a chewy, mighty beer, but as many bock beers tend to be, quite sweet.

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