


Bahnstrasse 3
Untertheres 97531
Stopped brewing in 2003


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TheinheimTrossenfurtUnterschleichachWeisbrunnZeil am Main

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Comment from Richard Sanders on 2003-07-23 17:54:15

 Looking at my old notes I rated this small brewery by the cannal very highly. We were invited to the locals table. The beer was very dry and hoppy.

Comment from Fred Waltman on 2004-01-12 10:42:58

 Lastest reports are the this brewery no longer brews. The beers are made by Göller of Zeil am Main.

Comment from David Lampe on 2004-05-18 23:22:50

 This is a small brewery, that doesn't have much more than a bar and an area to sit outside. The pilsner has a definite "hoppy" taste and smell. Not worth a special trip, but if in the area, such as on a bike ride along the Main River, it is worth a stop.

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