Brauhaus Höchstadt e.G.

Kellerstrasse 1
Höchstadt/Aisch 91315

 0 91 93 / 83 67

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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-11-10 04:58:52

 Nice soft Weizen with a banana nose. Aromatic and hoppy Kellerbier with some harshness. Light and hoppy Pils of standard German type. The Vollbier Hell is bland. But the Schwarze is really black with liquorice, chocolate and a hit of ashtray. Old-style beer with a dry finish. very charming.

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2008-11-27 01:55:48

 Yesterday night we sampled tap beers of this brewery: Helles Vollbier, Dunkles Kellerbier. Both were quite good, well balanced, nothing unusual but well crafted. The Vollbier is a tasty usual Helles without big surprises. The dark Keller is a rich drink without too much malt pronouncation.

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