Brauerei Blauer Löwe

Photo by Jason Watts

Brückenstrasse 9
Höchstadt/Aisch 91315

 09193 8219

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Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2006-01-30 03:00:08

 Very nice Brewery, where time seems to have stopped somewhen in the 1960s. We tried the dark beer and found it much too sweet, the dark Weizen also wasn´t to our taste. But then: Their ordinary "Schankbier": Delicious!!! That´s exactly the prototype of a franconian style pale beer and very refreshing indeed!!!

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2007-04-23 02:17:01

 Unfortunately, last winter the brewery tap was rebuilt to some kind of trendy bistro style inn. The charming atmosphere was thrown out with the old Resopal tables... Only the beer remains the same.

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-11-10 04:54:44

 I agree about the refurbished pub, but some of the beers are good. The Vollbier Hell has a powerful malt and hop balance. The Pils could be more bitter. The wheat beer is far too thin and a little acidic. The best beer in my opinion is the Zwickel, an unfiltered Märzen with dry malt, some fruit and a good hop balance. pleasant Gärkeller aroma.

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2008-11-27 02:04:50

 Things have changed a lot in the past two years, it seems. Yesterday the formerly perfect Vollbier Hell was sweetish and very boring. A shame. Hopefully it will reach the former standard again! The Pils was okay.

Comment from matw on 2010-07-05 12:48:22

 wasn't allowed to try the beer last month as they now shut the doors at 1400. I have no idea what time they reopen as the door was lammed in my face as I approached the bar and locked up. Charming. My gain though as I was able to catch a bus to Schlusselfeld from the nearby Schillerplatz, (number 207 at 1415) and visit Adler and Stern Brau's.

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