Brauerei Lederer GmbH

Sielstrasse 12
Nürnberg 90429
Stopped brewing in 2003


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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-04-07 07:41:52

 Blandish Einheitsbier.

Comment from Fred Waltman on 2004-01-12 10:47:58

 Beers are now brewed by Tucher, which is itself part of the national group Brau and Brunnen.

Comment from Nick B. on 2006-05-29 05:57:40

 Würde sagen dass es besser als Tucher oder andere Megabrauerei Pils, aber ja, es ist kein Aufseßer, Keesmann oder sogar Jever. Es gibt doch noch einen guten Hopfengeschmack. [[[englische Übersetzen]]] I'd say that it's better than Tucher or other Megabrauerei pils, but no, it's no Aufseßer, Keesman, or even Jever. There is still a good hop flavor though.

Comment from Nick B. on 2010-08-09 01:06:22

 Visited the "Kulturbrauerei" complex for the first time yesterday. The "Premium Light" Pils is perhaps the best beer I've ever had under 2.9% abv. No defects like DMS which are common in other low-alcohol lagers in Franconia. The "Kroko" Hausbier is typical middle-of-the-road amber lager, and while drinkable, it's nothing special. The food is typical Brauhaus, a step above Barfüßer. The *place* though, is great -- several interesting areas with old steam equipment and a fantastic copper Sudhaus on display. Worth visiting on the way to the Bärenschanze Schankwirtschaft.

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