Franconian Beer Message Board
Hobby- vs. Hausbrauer |
Posted by Norbert on 2012-05-29 12:01:42 |
O.K., maybe I can bring some light into this problem: "hausbrauer" and "Hobbybrauer" are pretty much the same, but ... Everyone in Germany is allowed to brew 200 litres of beer taxfree for his own. (In fact, the average German drinks less than 200 litres, which means we all could drink our own brew ...) But in former times, not every person was allowed to brew beer. One had to have the right to brew, given by the local authority. The right to brew was a so called "Realrecht". That means it was "attached" to the building, not to a person. So maybe one had the right to brew, but not the brewing equipment. So he could bring his barley/malt to a local Comunity-Brewing-House in oder to brew there. These "Brewers" were called "Alt-Hausbrauer", while the ones, that brewed in a local Comunity-Brewing-House without bringing their own malt there were called "Neu-Hausbrauer". In the course of time a lot of "Kommun-Brauhäuser" were bought by one of the "hausbrauer" and by this turnde into "Brewing Companies". But some still kept the tradition to brew "Hausbräu", on which one had to pay less taxes. "Hausbräu"-beer that you can buy nowerdays follows this tradition. But most times, it's just another beer from a brewery with a traditional name. On the other side, there are some people, who like to brew beer in their own kitchen for example. maybe they wouldn't call themselves "Hausbrauer". They would call themseves "Hobbybrauer". But in fact– it's the same now. Because if you look at the legal part, everyone, who's brewing for his own consume is called a "Hausbrauer". "Vorläufiges Biergesetz § 9 (8) Die Vorschriften in den Absätzen 1 und 2 finden keine Anwendung für diejenigen Brauereien, die Bier nur für den Hausbedarf herstellen (Hausbrauer)." "Verordnung zur Durchführung des Biersteuergesetzes (Biersteuerverordnung - BierStV) § 41 Herstellung durch Haus- und Hobbybrauer (1) Bier, das von Haus- und Hobbybrauern in ihren Haushalten ausschließlich zum eigenen Verbrauch hergestellt und nicht verkauft wird, ist von der Steuer bis zu einer Menge von 2 hl je Kalenderjahr befreit. Bier, das von Hausbrauern in nicht gewerblichen Gemeindebrauhäusern hergestellt wird, gilt als in den Haushalten der Hausbrauer hergestellt." puuuh Hope it's ab bit more clear now. ;-) Greetings Norbert |
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