Franconian Beer Message Board

Communal Brewing in Franken
Posted by Andrew H on 2023-06-13 11:23:24
I see the usual curse of the internet ( of course it has many great usages as well) in the sense that even small mentions of these communal brewing sessions will lead to the demise of the fundemental thing that makes them so special.
I believe that Zoigl brewing has to some extent gone down that path, with the internet making it so easy for us to find out transport opening times etc. leading for one thing to the end of the Zoigl open weekend.
Its the Venice, York,Dubrovnik syndrom, the very thing that makes them attractive to those who "discover" them leads to the demise of the special quality visiting provides.
This is my long winded way of saying probably be a bit selfish Jason, and keep stumm.
     Communal Brewing in Franken  by Barry on  2023-06-15 13:31:11
       Communal Brewing in Franken  by Frank on  2023-06-17 11:50:15
         Communal Brewing in Franken  by B N on  2023-06-19 00:12:36
         Communal Brewing in Franken  by Jason on  2023-06-25 00:43:02
           Communal Brewing in Franken by B N on  2024-07-19 08:20:29