Franconian Beer Message Board

Status of this site...
Posted by Rob Sterowski on 2023-06-15 02:40:25
To be honest it is pretty quiet here these days anyway, but the archive of discussions going back 20 years is historically of great interest. Is it simple to take a copy, as it is all public pages?

Perhaps we can set up a replacement forum from which the archive would be readable.
     Status of this site...  by Mark Andersen on  2023-06-15 05:33:46
       Status of this site...  by Jerry on  2023-06-16 05:33:26
         Thank you for update!  by ToddA on  2023-06-16 19:18:45
           status by Robert Waltman on  2023-07-26 06:33:10
             status by Scott D on  2023-07-26 06:50:30
               status by Jason  on  2023-07-26 07:02:33
             status by Jeff Romain on  2023-10-17 20:58:52
               status, Dusseldorf by B N on  2023-10-18 05:52:16