Welcome to the first comprehensive guide for the beer tourist of the breweries of Franconia. We hope you will find it useful when planning your next trip to this beer heaven.
Search the Database
We have a complete list of the nearly 300 operating breweries in Franconia. You can browse by city name, district, or by how to get there. Currently most of this guide is written as if you were using Bamberg as your base, but it still very helpful if you are basing your trip out of other cities such as Nürnberg or Würzburg. As time permits we will be updating the links to train and bus schedules.
NEW! You can now purchase for $5 The Beer Drinkers Guide to Bamberg a downloadable booklet you can print and take with you. Also availible as an app in the Apple and Google Play App stores.

Message Board
Vist our Virtual "Stammtisch" to discuss all aspects of life and Franconian beer here.
As we have moved to a new server the old articles must be converted before they can be published. We are doing them as time allows. The current list is here.
You see a list of brewery entries modified in the last 30 days here.
Special Thanks
Special thanks are in order to Frank Wetzel of www.BierRegion-Franken.info for the use of his database and to Mat Wilson for providing many fine images of his recent Franconian visit.
You can also view the Beer Travel blog of the site's owner Have Beer Will Travel
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