Franconia Beer Message Board

Looking for Fewo Recommendations in Bamberg
Posted by Barry on 2022-04-02 15:02:38
I was mentioned so ...

Yes, we stayed in quite a few Fewos in Bamberg but they got steadily more expensive for anything longer than a few days.  Forchheim also gradually got dearer.  So I checked in all the towns along the rail line and we stayed in Buttenheim and Seigendorf (near Hirschaada Keller) - maybe others I can't recall.  Eventually, we settled on Ebensfeld.  There's a great selection of local breweries within reasonable walking or cycling distance and a nice keller, served by the Ebensfelder Brauerei.  Intermittently, the Stub'n in the town was open.

Ebensfeld is 18 mins from Bamberg by train, so we used to buy a Bayern Card (the after 9 am variety) and just go up and down, it's almost as convenient as being in Bamberg, unless you're in the Altstadt.  Mind you, I did have one or two hairy moments making the last train - running from the Altadt to the Bahnhof isn't fun after a few Seidlas and perhaps I hold the record for the fastest sprint up Leopldstr!

If you want some recommendations, let me know.
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