Franconia Beer Message Board

Brauerei Fischer in Greuth
Posted by Nick B. on 2006-02-11 13:32:06
My local bottle shop now also has the Fischer Rauchbier, which of course I had to try. Much better than the regular Lager: a very mildly smoked beer, in the same way that Spezial is lightly smoked when compared to Schlenkerla. It's also fairly dark, and has a good deal of malt. A bit too much butter for some, maybe, but as the glass breathes for a while, it really improves. Yeah, I would say the Rauchbier is worth finding if you're in the area. (It compares nicley with the Rauchbier from the brewery in Herrnsdorf, for those keeping score.) I failed to finish a sentence in my previous post: I'm not sure if they have an actual Gasthaus/Gaststätte, because I've only been through the village once by bike, and they were closed (Saturday). My Braun _Atlas_ refers to a Gaststätte with food, as well as a Kellerfest in August. To add to Don's comments about Stieberlimbach and it's proximity to the Kreuzberg hill: The village of St-bach lies just beyond the foot of the Kreuzberg hill. The brewery & gasthaus are in the village; the exquisite Keller is actually at the foot of the hill, where there's a footpath leading up to the summit and the other kellers. The entire area is really quite a place for beer tourists. I almost prefer the Roppelt Keller to the 3 kellers on top of Kreuzberg, because it's so wonderful. Then again, the 3 kellers on top are *3* kellers, not just one, and they are also'll just have to pick your own favorite. Of course if you end up having limited time, then you should definitely skip the Roppelt Keller in favor of the other 3--*if* you have to choose.
         Brauerei Fischer in Greuth by Martin T. on  2006-02-13 17:19:26
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