Franconia Beer Message Board

Bus from Bamberg to Herrnsdorf and Sambach
Posted by Uncle Jimbo on 2006-06-29 11:30:00
Do you know anything about Scheubel-Keller in Schlüsselfeld? I don't see it listed here on this site, but it is mentioned on the bierkeller site below: Also, it seem that to get to Schlüsselfeld, one must change to the VGN bus line 143 in Sambach. Is that correct? I am reading that from the Bamberg 8227 Bus schedule. By the way, how do you pay on a bus? Just put in Euros when you get onboard the bus?
                 Bus from Bamberg to Herrnsdorf and Sambach by Nick B. on  2006-06-29 14:42:35
                   Bus from Bamberg to Herrnsdorf and Sambach by Uncle Jimbo on  2006-06-29 19:43:20
                   Bus from Bamberg to Herrnsdorf and Sambach by Martin T. on  2006-06-29 20:01:17
                     Bus from Bamberg to Herrnsdorf and Sambach by Uncle Jimbo on  2006-06-29 20:18:55
                     Bus from Bamberg to Herrnsdorf and Sambach by Nick B. on  2006-06-30 00:59:28
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