Franconia Beer Message Board

Mobile Numbers (off topic but might be useful)
Posted by Nick B. on 2009-05-03 01:52:20
Yeah. This can indeed be problematic, with "old-fashioned"(*) phones where you pick up the receiver and dial. I've accidentally called the wrong number a few times when I've forgotten the leading '0' or taken too long to finish the number. I think. With Handys or other phones where you enter the whole number and then push "call", it's no problem, of course. (*)My desk phone here at home lets me dial this way, and it's older than the €, though I bought it at a Saturn store a few months ago. is what it looks like. ISDN with all kinds of features like what people usually have with more complicated telephones in offices in the US. Telephony functions a bit differently here than in the US, suffice to say. I believe I understand it now, after nearly 5 years' living here.
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