Franconia Beer Message Board

Smokers' Clubs
Posted by Nick B on 2009-08-25 07:35:39
Hmmm...the Rauchverbot (smoking ban) was butchered up on 1 August, to allow proprieters of small pubs (under 75 m^2) where "food plays a background role to drinking" (*) to decide if they want to allow smoking or not. I've not been through Forchheim with an eye on the Brauereigaststätten since then, so I don't know what effect, if any, the change in the law has had on them. (* As if this should matter!) Hebendanz may be smaller than 75 qm. If so, then they don't have to operate as a "Raucherclub" any more, but just simply as a smoking place. If they are larger than 75 qm, then I think they must now be smoke-free. I believe the change in the law killed the Raucherclub "loophole". But I'm not sure. Either way, I'll patronise the Keller, but not the Gaststätte, since they don't want my custom.
       Smokers' Clubs by Peter Alexander on  2009-09-05 03:14:08
         Hebendanz's Schwemme by Nick B on  2009-09-06 03:13:57
           Hebendanz's Schwemme by Peter Alexander on  2009-09-07 01:08:49
         Smokers' Clubs by A Harvey on  2009-09-07 08:14:22
             Hebendanz's Schwemme by mike004 on  2009-09-07 12:28:48
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