Franconia Beer Message Board

Local knowledge please.
Posted by Nick B. on 2010-08-15 23:02:59
All four in a day would be a challenge. But very rewarding. Hohenschwärz is in the hills. The most direct way from Gräfenberg Bf is 4.5km+, mostly on the main road: with about 140 m elevation gain: so not at all an "easy" ride, but if you know the climb from the Bf to Lindenbräu, that's the hardest stretch, I think. It's about 1.5km downhill From Hohenschwärz to Thuisbrunn: but the gentlest way from there to Leutenbach via Dietzhof is luckily the shortest, though nearly 8.5 km: and the profile ain't *too* bad: (All metric, mind, let me know if you need it converted to stone or whatever you lot measure with over there.) As Mike says, it's easy from Leutenbach to the Bf, especially in comparison to the rest! And yes, Alt in Dietzhof haven't got the most convenient Öffnungszeiten. I can point you to a place in Erlangen where one or both of the beers are on though. GPS files?
     Local knowledge please. by Mat W on  2010-08-16 14:36:53
       Local knowledge please. by Nick B. on  2010-08-19 01:26:39
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