Franconia Beer Message Board

Posted by Gerhard Schoolmann on 2011-04-01 06:26:25
You have to differ between: - "Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum" ("mindestens halbar bis" - Expiry date), p.e. for beer - "Verbrauchsdatum" ("Verbrauchen bis" - use-by date), p.e. for ground beef, certified milk (raw milk) or fresh poultry meat After the "Verbrauchsdatum" a product is not marketable; it is illegal to sell this product. After the "Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum" it is allowed to sell. But You must inform the customer about this fact. And if there are health problems, the shop/pub owner bears the risk (not the manufacturer/brewer). But Nick You're right: the most businesses shy away from risk and the discussion with the customer. At Café Abseits we try not to sell (on the official beer menu) beers after the Mindeshaltbarbeitsdatum, because it is difficult to discuss with ignorant guests that the most beers are longer good than the labels say. Some breweries take only 8 weeks for the expiry date, p.e. the Witzgall Bräu. On the other hand some breweries change their expiry date policy. So Schneider has changed the expiry date for the Aventinus Eisbock from 1 year to 5 years without changing the receipt.
       Best By, Use By by Nick B. on  2011-04-01 07:45:26
         Best By, Use By/Seasonals by Mads K on  2011-04-01 23:48:14
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