Franconia Beer Message Board

Forchheim Weihnachtsmarkt
Posted by Nick B. on 2012-12-09 04:00:16
Hey Kumpel (plural), I seem to be a bit under the weather, and the weather itself is not playing along. It's highly, highly unlikely that I'll be out and about this afternoon...sorry as this is to report. Late nights at Spezial are not a strong point of mine, it seems, especially after hours of Starkbier consumption. That's not the source of my gastro-intestinal discomfort though. I'm loathe to suspect either of the places where I ate exceptionally well on Friday, or the other seems to have given me a bit of something uncomfortable. Bad luck for me, it seems. Bezüglich des Forchheimer Weihnachtsmarkts. IIRC, there are stands for each brewery at the Markt, as well as the much-discussed Glühkriek. There are two depictions of the "Mauerscheißer" that I've seen on the wall of the Rathaus, just about right over the Tourist Info office entrance. Here's an exceptional photo of the more ...erm... explicit one, courtesy of our friends at the mass transit service, of all people! (May not be safe for work in more prudish lands.) < > < > If that link doesn't work, google for "Forchheimer Mauerscheißer". Happy hunting! Hope they're not covered up under seasonal decorations. Apologies again to Jim for my having mixed business with pleasure a bit too boisterously the other night.
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