Franconia Beer Message Board

Homebrew Twang?
Posted by Nick B. on 2013-03-19 01:15:37
The conventional wisdom (at least going back to when I learnt to homebrew in the mid-90's) is the opposite: you do need a good, hard boil in order to deal with the protein chains (break them down?). And get the hop acids properly isomerised and all that. AFA what that "twang"'s anyone's guess! It can be a number of things, usually off-flavours associated with infection of some kind, under-pitching (as Fred says), boiling the grains, or...I THINK I had a bit of it in my very first batch in 1993, an extract batch with specialty grains in a plastic net bag, boiled probably 2-3 gallons of concentrated wort and then dumped that into a 5 gallon carboy (zylindrischen Glasballon) half-filled with cold water. That was a batch based on the famous "Elbo Nertke Nut Brown" recipe in Charlie Papazian's "New Complete Joy of Homebrewing" of the early 90's. Papazian is required reading for any American homebrewer who wants to join "the club", BTW...have you got a copy? (Yes, I know, he's perhaps controversial because of the Brewer's Association or whatever, but for us homebrewers, he's a big deal.)
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